Friday, January 25, 2013

A cookbook I plan to enjoy

The other nifty thing that arrived on my fun mail day was a review copy of this cookbook from Chronicle Books, The Little Paris Kitchen by Rachel Khoo. The timing was perfect. That very day Alex asked me how I would like to celebrate when I turn 40. It's years away, but I already know. I would like to go to Paris. And then this cookbook arrived in the mail and solidified my plan.

I'm not a big cook, especially in the last year or so since I've sort of lost interest. And this isn't a food blog, but for some reason I'm captivated by this cookbook so I have to show you.

The dishes include my very favorite foods: Bread. Cream. Butter. Eggs. The recipes look pretty simple, with often relatively few ingredients. I had no idea you could slice potatoes, put small cubes of pear on top, crumble on some blue cheese, bake it in the oven, and it's suddenly "Galette aux pommes de terre et poires avec Roquefort." I can't possibly pronounce it, but I want to eat it for lunch. Some other yummy-looking things...

Cheese, ham and egg on toast in a muffin pan (croque madame muffins).

Spicy meatballs.

And don't get me started on this picture of a chocolate thing.

The book is peppered with romantic, atmospheric photos like this that make me want to hop on a plane immediately. Instead, I will try to cook some of these things. Wish me luck.

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