Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Make bookmarks with tape

Washi tape DIY
I'm still waiting for TV producers to create Hoarders: Washi Tape Edition, because I bet there are enough of us out there to make an entire series. Why in the world is it so satisfying to collect decorative tape?

Here's a way to put some of that stock pile to good use (unless you're one of those people who uses an electronic gadget to read books. Me, I prefer paper pages.)

I used some Jonathan Adler paper tape, plus a bit of orange washi tape, to make some easy patterned bookmarks.

DIY washi tape bookmark
I placed three strips of tape side by side on a sheet of cardstock and trimmed it into a rectangle. Then I printed up a little Groucho Marx humor and attached the quote with more tape.

To make your own, download the Groucho quote right here. Print the page, cut out the little rectangles, and attach them to patterned paper or taped-up cardstock.

DIY Jonathan Adler tape bookmarks

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