Thursday, May 2, 2013

Design your own stamps

A package came in the mail today.

A stamp I designed! It's from Stamptitude, a shop offering custom-made, self-inking stamps. Run by a husband and wife team, the little company just opened their doors. They agreed to make me a complimentary product sample to review, so I simplified the design I'd put on those foil cards and sent it over. VoilĂ ! It has been magically reincarnated as a pre-inked stamp! When the ink runs out someday, I can just pour in more. No need for a stamp pad.

This thing is going to be really useful. On envelopes and packages, at the top of note paper, on post-its, gift tags, wine bottle tags, treat bags, business cards... I might go around stamping everything. I totally love it.

Some of the first impressions I made with it were pretty patchy, but I figured out I needed to press harder and leave the design depressed against the paper longer. According the website's FAQ's, you can also adjust the amount of ink flow by using the "lift & twist" mechanism at the base of the handle.

Stamptitude's custom stamps are quite affordable; prices start at $12. Just create your design, choose a shape, size and ink color, and upload your artwork. They ship globally..

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