Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tattoo a banana for breakfast

Designer and illustrator Honey emailed to suggest that serving tattooed bananas might be a good idea for a brunch party. Might be? Heck yes; I love this kind of craziness. Put them in lunch bags! Hide them in the produce section at the grocery store and giggle at perplexed shoppers!

I had to try it immediately.

Simply make lots of tiny punctures in the banana peel with a pin, and the holes will turn brown. (I drew a quick outline on the banana with a sharp pencil first, then filled it in.) The banana will start to turn brown immediately. The longer you wait, the darker the black becomes, and it starts to look a bit debossed.

The heart is the result of 60 seconds of poking, then waiting overnight. The "hi" photo was taken half an hour after puncturing.

But I'm just an amateur banana tattoo artist. Look at Honey's Blues Brothers version:

See more of her work here. Wowzers. Except for the lettered versions, those are freehanded. You could also poke holes through a template printed on paper.

Have fun, kids. You know you wanna do it.

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